
Random Produce is a silly nerdy comic by Nathaniel Markham. Inspired by XKCD (especially the "Beret Guy" comics), Random Produce follows the adventures of the nameless protagonist at his new job as a janitor at Random Produce Inc. as well as featuring other non-plot-related comics involving Random Produce Inc. such as product flyers.

If there is a bug with the website you can create an issue on GitHub.


Why was the site down for a while in 2023?

Originally the site was hosted on my Dad's Host Gator account and he accidentally removed the site when going through cleaning up old stuff. I didn't have any proper backups... but I did have every single comic posted to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. As it turned out, downloading it all from Twitter was not too difficult, and so I was able to get everything back that way. This site is a brand new static site made with 11ty static site generator and my own Condensate CSS library, hosted on GitHub Pages. Being hosted via a Git repo also means I now have an actual backup on my PC, so hopefully it won't be such a headache in the future.

Are you ever going to publish more comics here?

Probably not. If I do it will be to wrap-up the last story arc I left things on. I've lost interest in the project and am currently working on other things. However, I might maybe possibly try making "Sneet Comics" a reality in the future, see Comic Nesting.